H2SITE, a Spanish hydrogen transport solutions provider, has made a significant breakthrough in maritime decarbonization by successfully commissioning the world’s first on-board ammonia cracking system. This system generates high-purity hydrogen coupled with a PEM fuel cell, providing clean energy for the ship’s auxiliary consumptions.

H2SITE’s integrated membrane reactor technology is at the heart of this innovation. The reactor effectively converts all ammonia into high-purity hydrogen, which is then fed to a PEM fuel cell to generate electricity. This one-step process simplifies the ammonia-to-hydrogen conversion and minimizes energy losses.

The successful implementation of H2SITE’s ammonia cracking system has the potential to revolutionize the maritime industry by providing a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. By enabling the use of hydrogen as an energy source on ships, this technology can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more environmentally friendly maritime sector.

H2SITE’s pioneering work on on-board ammonia cracking represents a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable maritime transportation. By providing a clean and efficient way to produce hydrogen on-board ships, this technology has the potential to transform the industry and reduce its environmental footprint.

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