From 2020, despite the world economy’s struggles due to Covid-19, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar electricity will continue to increase fast.

Renewable energy economies are more electrified, efficient, linked, and environmentally friendly. Its emergence is the result of a positive feedback loop between policy action and technology progress. Renewable energy technology, without a doubt, is emerging as a significant new area of investment, as well as a vibrant arena for worldwide energy firms and rivalry.

Hydrogen, as a typical clean, efficient, and sustainable carbon-free energy source that produces only water when burned in a fuel cell, has been identified as a priority for addressing global climate change, carbon-neutral development, and global energy structure transformation. Hydrogen energy’s era will be highly energy efficient, as well as environmentally friendly, pollution-free, and noise-free.

Thus, in order to keep up with the energy era’s development, renewable energy hydrogen production has become increasingly well-known and popular, with green hydrogen or water electrolysis hydrogen production being the most practicable way.

It uses renewable energy as a raw material, decomposes water into hydrogen and oxygen via an electrolyzer, and produces no carbon during the process, making it the cleanest method of hydrogen generation.

Angstrom Group, a market leader in industrial energy technology, is actively engaged in hydrogen technology research and development and equipment manufacturing, specializing in water electrolysis hydrogen generation and holding numerous international patents.

In 2018, the company successfully developed the world’s first hydrogen refueling station, which has a much smaller footprint than traditional hydrogen refueling stations, can generate hydrogen solely through the connection of water and electricity, requires less investment, is highly integrated, and can be customized to meet specific requirements. The refueler’s primary advantage is its ease of use, operation, and maintenance. Simple raw materials combined with intelligent control and monitoring assure safety and reliability while also lowering operational and labeling expenses.

The hydrogen capacity ranges from 0 to 20 kilograms per day, the purity is greater than 99.999 percent, the dew point is -70 degrees Celsius, the gas quality meets SAE J2719 standards, and the dispenser nozzles H35/H70 TK16/TK25/TK17 use only tap water as a source of water. The successful development of an all-in-one hydrogen refueling station is a technological milestone built on the hydrogen industry’s long development history and extensive knowledge of hydrogen station building. It is a watershed moment for the industry, as it will aid in increasing the popularity of FCVs, increasing the pace of hydrogen energy consumption, and easily achieving global carbon neutrality.

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