The National Recovery and Resilience Plan so dear to Mario Draghi has been set in motion. 8,095 companies that have been active for over a year have applied for the incentives of the Ministry of Economic Development that support the development and consolidation of companies led by women.

The Mise communicates this by specifying that «the Regions that sent the largest number of projects were Lombardy and Lazio with 1176 and 978 applications respectively. Followed by Campania and Emilia-Romagna with 831 and 684 requests ».

And the 21 flagship projects, one for each Region / Autonomous Province, have also started. The main themes of the flagship projects presented or currently being studied are hydrogen, health, university and research, hydrogeological instability, digitalization of the public administration, and water resources. To date, 2 protocols have been signed between the Department for Regional Affairs and Autonomies (Dara), the competent ministries, and the respective Regions for a total of 6 flagship projects.

The Protocol with the Liguria Region concerns the Center for Computational and Technological Medicine in Erzelli. The Liguria Region presented a “flagship project” aimed at creating the first “Computational and Technological Medicine Center”, in the Genoese territory of the Erzelli. The project is aimed at transferring the research results generated by the use of computational calculation to biological models and programs for the management of robotic technologies for biomedical use.

Hydrogen Valley and predictive medicine developed in cutting-edge centers, with highly innovative tools, are instead just some of the issues at the center of the first collaboration protocols, necessary for the realization of the flagship projects, which will be signed this morning at Palazzo Chigi. The Protocol with the Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Umbria, Basilicata and Puglia Regions concerns the Hydrogen Valleys. Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Umbria, Basilicata, and Puglia are the regions that have expressed their desire to elect the construction of green hydrogen production sites in disused industrial areas to be a “flag project”, to be financed under the Pnrr, Mission 2 “Green revolution and ecological transition”, Component 2 “Renewable energy, hydrogen, grid, and sustainable mobility”, Investment 3.1,

The Hydrogen Valleys flagship project also provides, as an integral and complementary part, additional interventions relating to research and development activities in the hydrogen sector or for other collateral activities, in any case, consistent with the lines of the NRP, being defined with the Regions concerned and the Mite through special tables coordinated by Dara.

For these interventions – explains Palazzo Chigi – supplementary financing of 50 million is envisaged to be divided among the 5 Regions that have chosen the Hydrogen Valley as their flag projects (10 million euros per Region).

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