For the first time, renewable hydrogen will circulate in the gas network in Seixal, Portugal.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister António Costa will attend the network launch of this “green” gas.

The Seixal networks are mixing 2% to 5% green hydrogen with natural gas. Since there are few Mixing and Injection Stations (EMI) in Europe, the project was started from scratch. The testing should increase the network slice from 2–5% to 20%.

Floene received 72 requests to inject hydrogen into the grid between March 2021 and mid-January of this year, and the distributor to Capital Verde anticipates other enterprises to start producing and injecting hydrogen by the end of 2023.

Filipe Costa, CEO of Aicep Global Parques, says the Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone (ZILS) would spend 5,382 million euros in green hydrogen.

EDP, Galp, Engie, Bondalti, Martifer, Vestas, McPhy, and Efacec sponsor GreenH2Atlantic, one of Sines’ greatest projects, in the former Sines thermoelectric power plant. It will cost around 150 million euros, have a 100-MW capacity, and begin operations in 2025.

Two other projects have ZILS-contracted land. The Express said that the Canadian company Neogreen Hydrogen has a surface rights reservation contract for 10.5 hectares of property with the goal of producing green hydrogen in 2026 at a cost of one billion euros and possibly three. Madoqua Renewables is working with Dutch Power 2X and Danish Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners to develop a green hydrogen project in Sines to create 50,000 tons of hydrogen per year. MadoquaPower2X H2 will invest $400 million in 500 MW electrolysis capacity.

Sines was the first and most talked about location for hydrogen projects nationwide, but it is not the only one.

H2Drivenit, one of 64 mobilizing agenda projects, received the second-highest funding. Efacec leads the 925.5-million-euro project, which includes Dourogás Renovável, Navigator, Bondalti, and Sonae. Green hydrogen and CO2 from Sonae’s biomass plant in Mangualde will create green methanol.

H2Enable will be placed in the Estarreja Chemical Complex north of Bondalti. In the end of 2025, 40 Megawatts will be installed. The European Commission named it an Important Project of Interest Common European Union (IPCEI) and approved 140 million euros for it as part of the PRR’s mobilization agenda.

Nazaré, Marinha Grande, and Leiria enterprises are creating the Nazaré Green Hydrogen Valley (NGHV) to decarbonize the region’s industrial operations. Rega Energy heads the consortium of BA Glass, Crisal, Vidrala, Cimpor, and Secil. They aim to sell hydrogen “indirectly” by injecting it into the natural gas network. Estimated investment is 170 million euros.

Dourogás Renovável and Lightsource bp are creating “one of the most advanced projects in the country in terms of all its licensing” in Monforte. Its construction has been commissioned.

The gas network can receive renewable gases, but how is unclear. Safely decentralizing the gas system requires network digitalization and optimization.

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