Hynetwork pipelines have been made and delivered for the Rotterdam hydrogen network.

Because “the pipes are not on the shelf,” according to technical project manager Ronald Pieters of Hynetwork Services, the purchasing procedure was initiated a year ago. They are now prepared for the predisposition, the following stage in the construction of Rotterdam’s hydrogen network.

The tubes were bought by Hynetwork Services through its framework contracts. Mannesmann created the tubes and suggested shipping them by train to the Netherlands. From the German Salzgitter to Moerdijk, the tubes were shipped by train. This indicates that every effort has been made to minimize the environmental impact of both the production and the transportation of the hydrogen tubes.

Mannesmann, a manufacturer, has a long history of producing natural gas pipes. And when it comes to building natural gas infrastructure, Gasunie, the parent company of Hynetwork Services, has that expertise.

The pipes have undergone testing at the producer and on-site inspection. The hydrogen pipeline’s construction in the Port of Rotterdam is the following step. The permit process is currently under motion, and that should begin in mid-2023.

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