India is poised to play a pivotal role in the global green hydrogen revolution, with its ambitious National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) aiming to establish the country as a global hub for green hydrogen production and use.

The mission, launched in January 2023, envisions producing 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen annually by 2030, accompanied by a 125 GW increase in renewable energy capacity.

Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, holds immense promise as a clean and sustainable energy carrier. It has the potential to decarbonize various sectors, including transportation, power generation, and industrial processes, contributing significantly to India’s climate action goals.

The NGHM is expected to create a multitude of benefits, including:

•        Generating 600,000 new jobs

•        Reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 50 million metric tonnes per year

•        Attracting investments worth Rs 8 lakh crores

In a recent meeting with Green Hydrogen Developers and Industry Associations, Union Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy, R K Singh, reiterated the government’s commitment to fostering a business-friendly environment for hydrogen development. He emphasized India’s unique advantages, including its unified grid and substantial renewable energy capacity, which position the country to become a global leader in cost-effective green hydrogen production.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy presented a comprehensive overview of the pertinent issues, highlighting that producing 1 million metric tonnes of hydrogen would require 25 GW of renewable power, while 1 million metric tonnes of green ammonia would necessitate 5 GW of renewable power.

Industry representatives shared their concerns related to Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policies, regulatory provisions for dual connectivity, specific contractual conditions, state-imposed demand charges, and other cost-related issues pertaining to green hydrogen production in India. They called for timely resolutions to enable the production and supply of green hydrogen and its derivatives at globally competitive prices.

R K Singh assured the industry that their concerns would be thoroughly examined and swiftly addressed. He reiterated India’s dedication to becoming a competitive player in the global green hydrogen and its derivatives export sector, emphasizing that grid security would not be compromised while ensuring the competitiveness of green hydrogen production.

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