As India strives to meet its growing energy demands and tackle emissions in hard-to-abate sectors, the spotlight is now on green hydrogen, a promising alternative that has been making waves globally.

While India lacks a dedicated statewide network of interconnected hydrogen pipelines, there’s a potential solution inspired by Europe’s success in establishing the European Hydrogen Backbone project. This endeavor aims to leverage existing gas networks for efficient hydrogen transport.

Hydrogen, a ubiquitous element, is taking center stage in sustainable energy discussions. Among various types of hydrogen, “green hydrogen” stands out, produced through sustainable water sourcing and renewable energy. What sets it apart is its environmentally friendly nature, releasing minimal to no greenhouse gases during production.

However, the journey of green hydrogen isn’t without its challenges. Hydrogen, being a light element, poses transportation challenges due to its low density. To address this, it undergoes liquefaction, transforming into a denser form for efficient transport. Despite its current buzz, hydrogen energy isn’t a newcomer to the energy scene; it has historical roots in powering factories and industries.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, have made significant strides. Yet, they grapple with limitations tied to sunlight and wind availability. Green hydrogen emerges as a potential game-changer, offering a consistent energy source year-round. In the race to become the top green hydrogen manufacturer, nations are positioning themselves to lead the renewable energy revolution.

India, with the world’s third-largest economy, is eyeing green hydrogen as a crucial player in its energy future. Projections indicate a staggering 35 percent increase in energy demand by 2030. To achieve decarbonization in vital sectors like heavy-duty transportation, chemicals, and industry, a reliable, year-round energy source is imperative.

India stands at the precipice of a green hydrogen revolution. Embracing this sustainable energy form could usher in a new era of economic growth and environmental responsibility. The nation’s journey toward becoming a green hydrogen powerhouse involves strategic planning, technological advancements, and collaborative efforts across industries and government bodies.

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