Infinite Blue Energy, a Perth-based renewable energy firm, has struck an agreement with Aboriginal-owned Boya Energy to build and develop a proposed 10MW green hydrogen facility in Northam, Western Australia.

The announcement comes on the heels of Infinite Blue Energy’s acquisition of the 11MW Northam solar farm late last month – a joint venture between Indigenous Business Australia and Bookitja, a division of Noongar Property Holdings.

Infinite has recently inked an agreement with Boya Energy to collaborate on the construction and development of the 10MW MEG HP1 green hydrogen plant, which will be capable of producing up to four tons of green hydrogen per day.

Hydrogen generated on-site will be used in part by Western Australian waste management businesses to power back-to-base rubbish collection vehicles as well as a fleet of vehicles based at the MEG H1.

Boya, an Indigenous firm specializing in industrial renewable energy, will acquire up to a 10% interest in the plant under the terms of the agreement.

The MEG HP1 project’s front-end engineering and design are currently underway, and a final investment decision is expected later this year, ahead of initial production in the first quarter of 2024.

Infinite Blue Energy is also behind the considerably larger Arrowsmith Hydrogen Plant, which will initially use a combination of 65MW solar and 90MW wind energy to generate up to 25 tons of green hydrogen per day.

Arrowsmith also secured a commitment from Western Australia’s utility Western Power in late 2020 to conduct preliminary studies for a new transmission network link to the planned site, 300 kilometers north of Perth.

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