The National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Alliance and Mitacs Accelerate Grants Program have approved and awarded $1.2 million in non-repayable funds to Innova Hydrogen and the University of Alberta for a joint research project titled “Decarbonizing Canada’s Hydrogen Production Using Low-Cost Methane Pyrolysis Catalytic Reactors.”

Innova is looking forward to working with the University of Alberta to improve and advance its low-cost methane pyrolysis technology.

The National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) is Canada’s primary funding agency for natural science and engineering research. NSERC provides direct funding for research and training to university professors, students, and Canadian businesses.

Mitacs is a non-profit national research organization that operates research and training programs in fields related to industrial and social innovation in collaboration with Canadian academia, private industry, and government.

The research project will begin in March 2022 and run for five years, ending in March 2027.

Innova has also submitted two other non-dilutive funding applications, one of which is with a reputable industry partner and is expected to be disclosed at a later date as part of a larger strategic relationship.

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