The Regional Councilor for Energy of the Sicilian Regional Government, Daniela Baglieri, has announced the constitution of an observatory at the end of the first day of the work of “The energies of Sicily”, the two days in progress at the exhibition center “Le Ciminiere” in Catania, organized as part of the “Energy Days 2022”.
The tasks of the structure

“The observatory in Sicily – said the Baglieri closing the round table in the afternoon – will not only have the task of taking stock of the state of the art, but will also be proactive through the many ideas and reflections that have emerged during this day. All together we will try to work because, from a geopolitical point of view, the Mediterranean is not only a sea of war, but also of peace and innovation”.

Who will be part of it

The observatory will be attended by all those involved in the hydrogen supply chain, from renewable energy producers to teachers and academics involved in research, as well as transport operators. Tomorrow, at the second and last day of the event, dedicated to “A greener Sicily: energy transition and decarbonization for sustainable development”, the President of the Sicilian Region, Nello Musumeci, will speak for the conclusions.

The first steps a year ago

Sasol and Sonatrach, the two international giants that have their plants in Augusta, have formed a temporary association of companies for the realization in Sicily of the so-called Hydrogen Valley, a national center of high technology for hydrogen. Green hydrogen, produced by the process of electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy, is now considered an essential element in the energy transition that, as described in a recent study prepared by the “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking”, can represent up to 24% of European energy demand by 2050.

Goodbye coal

Hydrogen can play a dual role: in the long term, up to 2050, it can support the decarbonization effort along with other low-carbon technologies, especially in energy-intensive sectors; in the short term, up to 2030, it can gradually become competitive in selected applications such as chemicals, mobility and oil refining, enabling the development of a European ecosystem needed to fully exploit its potential in the long term.

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