As part of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy’s ‘Acid and Renewable Energy Core Technology Development Project,’ Korea Institute of Technology (KTL) is promoting the design technology development of the clean hydrogen certification system.

To aid the transition to a hydrogen economy, KTL intends to establish a Korean clean hydrogen certification system by 2023 and promote international clean hydrogen standards. In the first year, KTL gathers data for establishing a hydrogen certification system by investigating the current state of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated throughout the hydrogen production process, from the input of raw materials to storage and transportation.

It also intends to lay the groundwork for establishing a Korean clean hydrogen certification system by analyzing hydrogen certification and demonstration cases in the European Union (EU), Japan, and Australia.

In addition, in the second year, a clean hydrogen certification system procedure is developed based on the collected data, and a seminar featuring domestic and international experts on hydrogen is held to verify the clean hydrogen certification system.

In the third year, there are plans to establish a clean hydrogen certification system in the Korean style and develop an incentive system linked to the clean hydrogen certification system to promote clean hydrogen supply.

The supply of clean hydrogen will be increased as a result of this, contributing to carbon neutrality and Green New Deal policies, and it is expected to closely respond to the future carbon border adjustment system. Furthermore, it is expected that the development of international clean hydrogen standards will lead to technological advancement, ensuring international competitiveness and advancing into the global environmental market.

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