Lautec has launched ESOX, a new tool for simulating offshore operations.

ESOX can help to model and evaluate offshore operations across the globe. The new weather downtime tool is Excel-based and simple to use and there is no need for a login or manual. After a decade of planning, simulation, and execution of offshore wind projects, ESOX was created.

ESOX is free, lightweight and user-friendly. The tool is designed to be easily copied and shared, with the goal of increasing transparency across stakeholders.”

Guillermo Esteban, project manager for ESOX.

ESOX is a combination of sequential downtime modeling and a global data map that offers high-quality methocean data for reanalysis.

ESOX’s dataset contains 30 years of global ERA5 data given by the European Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Centre. ERA5 is the culmination of decades of atmospheric and oceanic modeling work. This is best suited for evaluating offshore activities.

Through comparison projects from competitive markets, the latest method would help current and new markets compare their metocean conditions –thus helping them understand the construction costs in local waters.

The success of our company and our fight against climate change depends on the cost of offshore wind. We believe that ESOX can help drive the costs down by providing a better understanding of offshore operations in existing and new markets.”

 Henrik Søgaard Iversen, partner at Lautec.

ESOX will be accessible for everyone, and not just for industry specialists.

“ESOX also allows corporations, NGOs, students and governments to do their own analysis and benchmark between sites, technologies and projects.”

 Henrik Søgaard Iversen, partner at Lautec.

ESOX enables project participants to do most of the analysis, which is needed in an offshore wind project, themselves.

For the more challenging, niche simulation cases, Lautec provides assistance using the advanced and flexible ESOX+ modelling tool on a consulting basis.

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