To meet the energy needs of one hundred houses in Valdemoro, Madrid, Madrilea Red de Gas and Pryconsa are collaborating on a ground-breaking project that will use renewable hydrogen.

With the goal of supplying 100 homes in Valdemoro, owned by the real estate company, both companies will collaborate on the building and implementation of an infrastructure for the generation and supply of renewable hydrogen. Buildings will be constructed to allow for its seamless use in place of natural gas. It is important to note that this partnership draws attention to the huge potential of renewable hydrogen in the energy transition and decarbonization of the economy.

In forming a strategic alliance, Madrilea Red de Gas and Pryconsa have introduced a new and exciting model to the market, one that combines the expertise of a gas distributor with that of a real estate firm to provide a green hydrogen production and distribution system that can meet the energy demands of individual homes.

Together, Madrilea Red de Gas and Pryconsa aim to demonstrate the viability and extend the use of renewable hydrogen, an energy capable of cleanly substituting to natural gas and making good use of the capacity of the existing natural gas supply infrastructure in our cities; these goals are consistent with the organizations’ shared commitment to protecting the environment. One of the most efficient uses of green hydrogen is in the production of energy and home heating.

This deal comes at a time when Europe is striving for energy independence and focusing on transitioning to a sustainable model across a variety of sectors, including the environment, economy, and society via programs like the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and Europe’s own Green Deal. Renewable hydrogen stands out as a terrific answer to these problems. To hasten the advancement of this technology, the European Commission has just announced the establishment of a “European Hydrogen Bank.”

Group photo of Fernando Arlandis, General Director of Decarbonization and Energy Transition; Mariano González Sáez, Deputy Minister of the Environment and Agriculture of the Community of Madrid; and representatives from both companies.

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