Masdar and Emirates Steel Arkan are spearheading the decarbonization of the UAE’s steel sector with a pioneering green hydrogen project. Expected to be the first-of-its-kind in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, the project is poised to revolutionize steel production, contributing significantly to global efforts in reducing carbon emissions.

The primary goal of the Masdar and Emirates Steel Arkan partnership is to leverage green hydrogen to transform the traditionally carbon-intensive steel manufacturing process. Located at the Emirates Steel Arkan production facilities in Abu Dhabi, the project is currently in its installation stage, with commissioning set for early 2024. Notably, this venture marks a significant shift in the steel industry, aiming to use green hydrogen in the iron extraction process, a critical step in steelmaking.

The steel manufacturing industry is a notable contributor to global carbon emissions, accounting for around 7-8% of the total. Masdar and Emirates Steel Arkan’s green hydrogen project holds the potential to slash carbon dioxide emissions in the steelmaking process by an impressive 95%. By adopting cutting-edge technologies and fostering strategic collaborations, the partners are not only making strides toward sustainability but are also setting an example for the industry’s transition to a greener future.

The UAE has set ambitious targets to become one of the world’s largest hydrogen producers by 2031. This green hydrogen project aligns seamlessly with the country’s commitment to cleaner energy solutions. As the UAE prepares to host COP28, the UN climate change conference, the focus on projects like Masdar and Emirates Steel Arkan’s venture reflects the nation’s dedication to addressing emissions without hindering progress.

Masdar and Emirates Steel Arkan’s green hydrogen project is a testament to the transformative power of sustainable initiatives in traditionally carbon-heavy industries.

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