In collaboration with Minas Gerais steel industries, the Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei) and the H2Brasil project are developing an initiative for the use of green hydrogen.

The facility will contain a laboratory-scale production unit for electrolysis, storage, and vehicular delivery of green hydrogen (H2V), be totally powered by renewable energy, and have a 60 m3/h H2V production capacity.

In order to deliver vehicles starting in 2023, the aim is to evaluate applications with larger potential for mobility, energy production, and industrial use. The technology cluster aspires to be a benchmark in the development of renewable energy.

German Neuman & Esser (NEA Brasil) and its subsidiary Hytron – Energia e Gases are two businesses that will assist with the construction and provide the pilot plant’s equipment, respectively.

Around 7% of the world’s CO2 emissions from energy use and production are contributed by this industry. The International Energy Agency estimates that the steel industry alone uses 8% of all energy (IEA).

A 300kW PEM type electrolyser, storage containers, a supply dispenser, and a fuel cell make up the production unit. Photovoltaic panels will provide the electricity. Unifei claims that a number of national businesses and sectors are already interested in partnering on the project.

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