ESTEBAM hydrogen-powered barge to decarbonize mussel farming

In the port of Le Vivier-sur-Mer (Ille-et-Vilaine), an ESTEBAM barge was displayed. The project’s goal is to decarbonize Breton fishing by swapping out the diesel engine for a hydrogen-powered one.

The Hillion Bay mussel farmers’ quest to find ways to decarbonize their business and save the environment gave rise to ESTEBAM, the first fishing vessel outfitted with an internal combustion hydrogen engine. The Italian company Dumarey designed the 6.6-liter V8 hydrogen thermal engine that powers this barge.

The Brittany Region provides funding for the ESTEBAM initiative. It is the outcome of the efforts of the collaboration, which includes the Regional Committee for Shellfish Farming, Pierre Delion/Architecture Navale, CMV Amphibie, CCI Côtes d’Armor, and EUROPE TECHNOLOGIES – CIAM.

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