Morocco is leading renewable hydrogen generation as global interest develops. Morocco is committed to reaching 80% renewable capacity by 2050 with massive production facility investments and a coordinated national strategy.

Green hydrogen may become a large business soon. Green hydrogen is sustainable and produces just water vapor when burned. Morocco has over 80% year-round sun-baked land, making it well-positioned to become a top producer. According to Deloitte’s global green hydrogen outlook report. Morocco’s great potential is shown in the report’s map of renewable energy installation space.

Morocco will generate 22% of its electricity from coal by 2030, down from 38.8% in 2020, and 9.2% from oil, down from 16.2%. “Morocco has outstanding solar and wind resources, which is compatible with a highly competitive large-scale production industry leveraging its proximity to the European Union,” the Deloitte research states.

According to the Ministry of Energy, Morocco launched a “National Green Hydrogen Commission” in 2019 to improve production by bringing the public and private sectors together. The Ministry of Energy states in a news release that building a green energy sector will stimulate growth and remove the country’s reliance on ammonia imports, which is a byproduct of hydrogen generation.

This year, French multinational TotalEnergies announced a $10 billion solar-powered hydrogen and ammonia production project in Guelmim-Oued Noun, southern Morocco. Hydrogen has become a possible economic windfall in Morocco and other locations like the Gulf Arab states and the Caucus region. As more countries commit net zero targets in line with the Paris Agreement, it may be a crucial aspect of several countries’ sustainability reforms as well as smart business.

Green energy advocates say it can halt the climate disaster, but it’s pricey. Green hydrogen costs $5 per kilogram while natural gas-generated hydrogen costs $1.50 per kilogram. Green hydrogen is sustainable, unlike blue hydrogen, which leaks methane, and other “colors” that use conventional energy like nuclear or other non-sustainable sources.

Hydrogen is inefficient and sometimes mislabeled green when it actually blue hydrogen, manufactured from fossil fuels. The International Council on Clean Transportation has noted discrepancies in how the European Union classifies hydrogen renewable energy certificates, which manufacturers use to prove clean output.

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