Natural Power, in collaboration with Tecnoambiente, will support the development of environmentally impactful studies for the H2Med hydrogen corridor project.

This initiative aims to establish a vital link between Barcelona, Spain, and Marseille, France, via an offshore pipeline traversing the Mediterranean Sea.

The H2Med project, with an estimated budget of €2.5 billion ($2.7 billion), was launched in 2022 with the ambitious goal of creating a robust “European hydrogen backbone,” as articulated by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The project envisions facilitating the transportation of green hydrogen across borders to meet the growing demand for sustainable energy.

As part of this monumental undertaking, Natural Power, representing Tecnoambiente, will collaborate with BarMar to conduct comprehensive analyses of potential offshore pipeline routes. These studies will assess various factors, including technical feasibility, economic viability, environmental impact, and societal implications, to identify the most optimal corridor route.

The proposed hydrogen corridor holds immense promise, with projections indicating its potential to transport approximately 10% of European hydrogen consumption, equivalent to around two million tonnes annually. This ambitious undertaking signifies a significant step towards advancing Europe’s transition to a sustainable energy landscape and reducing reliance on conventional fossil fuels.

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