Perth-based Province Resources, a company initially focused on gold and nickel exploration, is making significant strides in the green energy sector with its 8 GW HyEnergy project in Western Australia’s Gascoyne region. The Western Australian government has granted additional licenses, covering over 600,000 hectares, including a crucial seabed area near Carnarvon required for hydrogen export.

In 2021, Province Resources announced its ambitious 8 GW green hydrogen project, and now with expanded licenses, the company is advancing toward the initial development phase. While still in the feasibility studies stage, the HyEnergy project aims to produce 550,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually. Phase 1 involves the installation of 4 GW to 5 GW of solar and wind capacity to support electrolyzers.

The latest license additions, spanning an initial two-year term, empower Province Resources to conduct detailed feasibility studies for a green hydrogen export port. The company is exploring two export options, including a traditional loading jetty port located north of Carnarvon and an innovative undersea pipeline for offshore ship loading, facilitated by a floating buoy, in partnership with Provaris.

The licenses extend beyond the seabed, covering two pastoral stations and allowing for ongoing environmental, geotechnical, and heritage surveys. With Section 91 licenses now encompassing six pastoral stations and the Town Common, Province Resources holds a vast area exceeding 600,000 hectares.

David Frances, CEO and Managing Director of Province Resources, emphasizes the company’s engagement with the Western Australian government to secure tenure over the project area. This secured tenure is crucial for the project’s evolution, from the initial development based on the Town Common to a potential multi-gigawatt project incorporating all six pastoral leases.

Province Resources’ strategic shift from gold and nickel exploration to the forefront of the green energy landscape exemplifies the transformative potential of renewable projects like the HyEnergy initiative. As the company navigates the feasibility studies and licensing phases, it sets the stage for Western Australia to emerge as a key player in the global green hydrogen market.

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