A recent patent filed on May 23, 2024, by Battelle Memorial Institute outlines a novel method for capturing carbon from seawater while generating hydrogen.

The inventors present an electrolytic cell-based process aimed at harnessing the bicarbonate content in seawater, providing a dual benefit of carbon capture and hydrogen production.

Unique Features and Improvements

The patented technology introduces a multi-compartment electrolytic cell featuring center, anode, and cathode compartments. Key steps in this process include:

1. Flowing bicarbonate-rich seawater through the center compartment.
2. Acidifying** the input seawater using protons in the center compartment, resulting in acidified seawater.
3. Generating carbon dioxide through a reaction between the proton and bicarbonate.
4. Flowing acidified seawater from the center compartment.
5. Neutralizing the acidified seawater with hydroxide or a hydroxide salt from the cathode compartment to create basified seawater with a pH above 9.
6. Transferring hydrogen generated in the cathode compartment to the anode compartment.

This electrolytic cell-based method stands out due to its integration of seawater acidification and subsequent neutralization, simultaneously facilitating carbon capture and hydrogen generation.

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