The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has recently established the new “Interdepartmental Center for Research and Services in the field of production, storage and use of Hydrogen”.

“Thanks to our Center we will do research for the production and use of hydrogen, of the energy that can be stored in hydrogen. And enhancing the technologies to produce energy from hydrogen would be strategic for Italy because it would allow us to create new jobs and make us more autonomous from a geopolitical point of view” explains the director of the Center, Marcello Romagnoli, professor at Dief-Department of Engineering ‘Enzo Ferrari’ of Unimore.

The activity of the Center, continues Romagnoli, “is done in close collaboration with companies to enable them to transfer knowledge and research results to the market”. The ultimate goal of our Center – underlines the chemist from Emilia – is to support companies in the production of technologies that allow to realize systems to obtain energy from hydrogen. Our center is established at a time when our country is discovering the need to be more autonomous in the production of energy and technology to produce energy.

“We want to build – underlines Romagnoli – an ecosystem of public-private research that is able to put on the ground the enormous potential of the Italian production system” says Romagnoli adding that with the center “we also want to build training courses for technicians that companies will need. Finally we want to explain in full transparency to citizens the technologies related to hydrogen”.

The director of the H2 – Mo.Re Center also underlines that “hydrogen is also a way to conserve and reuse the energy that I do not use today and it is in close connection with renewables and clean and sustainable energy. If we can achieve these goals in Italy, we will be a player as a country system towards external markets and we will ensure orders and energy autonomy.

“Our research center – Romagnoli also clarifies – is not only theoretical and basic research but is open to solutions that are also marketable, we will be in continuous contact with companies willing to collaborate and finance the activities and industrial transfer of our knowledge.”

Leading the center with Romagnoli as deputy director is engineer Monia Montorsi, a professor at Unimore’s Dismi. The Rector of Unimore, Carlo A. Porro, finally explains that “the main objective of the Center is to promote research and exchange of information, to promote interdisciplinary collaborations in this field both at regional and national and international level, with particular regard to the European Union”.

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