The German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has awarded the successful bids from the joint tender for solar and wind energy systems on land.

91 bids with a volume of 518,094 kW were submitted on time for the joint tender for solar and wind energy systems on land.

The amount of 200,000 kW tendered was again substantially oversubscribed. The bids applied solely to solar systems. Not a single bid for wind turbines has been submitted.

Seven of the commandments had to be omitted.

The Federal Network Agency has awarded a total of 43 bids with an output of 201,911 kW. Successful bids are distributed through 12 federal states; almost half of the awards went to systems in Bavaria with 20 awards or 91,119 kW.

The award values calculated in the bid price procedure range from 5.18 ct/kWh to 5.45 ct/kWh (preliminary round 4.97 to 5.61 ct/kWh). The average quantity-weighted award value (before receipt of the second collateral) in this process is 5.33 ct/kWh and thus corresponds to the preliminary round value of April 2020 (5.33 ct/kWh) and is marginally above the average value for the last technology-specific solar tender in October 2020 (5.23 ct/kWh).

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