The Government of North Macedonia has issued a new tender titled “Hydrogen Fuel Infrastructure Development” on June 3, 2024.

This tender is a significant development in the hydrogen energy sector as it seeks proposals for the establishment of hydrogen fuel infrastructure across the country. The submission deadline for proposals is July 31, 2024.

The primary objective of this tender is to develop a comprehensive network of hydrogen refueling stations and associated infrastructure to support the use of hydrogen as a clean energy source. The government aims to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy alternatives through this initiative. Key requirements for the proposals include:

1. Hydrogen Production Facilities: Establishment of hydrogen production units utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar and wind to ensure a low-carbon footprint.
2. Refueling Stations: Setting up a minimum of 10 hydrogen refueling stations in strategic locations across major cities and highways to facilitate easy access for hydrogen-powered vehicles.
3. Safety Measures: Implementation of robust safety protocols in line with international standards to handle hydrogen, which is known for its high flammability.
4. Technical Feasibility: Detailed plans demonstrating the technical feasibility of the proposed infrastructure, including storage and distribution systems capable of ensuring reliable hydrogen supply.

To ensure the project’s success, proposals must include technologically advanced solutions for hydrogen production, such as electrolysis powered by renewable energy. The refueling stations must be equipped with the latest dispensing technology to ensure quick and efficient refueling. Additionally, the proposals must comply with international safety standards for hydrogen handling and storage to mitigate any potential risks.

Overall, this tender represents a strategic move by North Macedonia to foster the growth of hydrogen technology, reduce its carbon footprint, and promote a sustainable energy future. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their detailed proposals by the July 31 deadline to participate in this transformative initiative.

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