Northern Gas Networks (NGN), securing innovation funding of £300,000, has committed to two feasibility studies aimed at understanding how a future gas network could contribute to achieving net zero in the UK.

This crucial financial backing is provided by the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF), an Ofgem program managed collaboratively with Innovate UK, whose main goal is accelerating net zero achievement at the lowest cost. Funded by energy network users and consumers, SIF promotes innovation with tangible benefits for networks, energy users, and consumers.

NGN will utilize the funds for the initial research ‘discovery’ phases of two projects, PATCH and the Regional Energy Strategic Modelling project (RESM).

With Teesside University and Frazer-Nash Consultancy as partners, PATCH (Production And Long-Term Containment of Hydrides) will assess the feasibility of alternative hydrogen storage methods. The team will explore the potential of chemical hydrides as hydrogen storage vectors and their coupling with industrial hubs.

RESM, carried out in collaboration with Durham University, DNV, Northumbrian Water, and Northern Powergrid, aims to fulfill two objectives: better integrate gas, water, and power networks and facilitate low carbon infrastructure regional decision-making.

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