The Province, the National Presidency, and the Economic and Social Council will host the National Hydrogen 2030 Meeting, which will bring together representatives from Chambers, Councils, Business Federations, governments, civil society organizations, scientists, universities, and trade unions, and industry experts in an unprecedented gathering.

Representatives of the National Government, embassies, and business people will gather in Bariloche to discuss the current state and future prospects of green hydrogen as a resource “that helps to the mitigation of the consequences of climate change throughout the world.”

The governors of Patagonia, along with representatives from the country’s central and northern regions, will deepen the discussion on Monday, accompanied by ambassadors from the European Union, Japan, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and Chile, on the guidelines for designing a national hydrogen strategy with a federal perspective.

The hostess will be Governor Arabela Carreras, while the Secretary of the Nation’s Strategic Affairs and President of the Economic and Social Council, Gustavo Beliz, will be joined by the Minister of Productive Development, Matas Kulfas, as representatives of the Presidency, while executives from Toyota, Total Energies, CWP Global, Fortescue Future Industries, McKinsey & Company, and the Latin American Energy Agency will also be in attendance.

The meeting will also focus on the energy transition as a strategic axis of a participatory, predictable, and stable national policy over time, as stated in an official part, and Ro Negro will have the opportunity to share the progress of the green hydrogen project, as well as the opportunities for product development that it brings to the province, the country, and the region.

“After presenting the Rio Negro Green Hydrogen Strategic Plan to the world at the Global Assembly and Exhibition in Barcelona, and having been chosen as the destination for the next conference of its kind in March 2023,” the government stated.

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