The Philippines has embarked on an ambitious endeavor, opening auctions for the exploration of natural hydrogen reserves across two designated zones near its capital city, Manila.

These predetermined areas, known as PDA No. 1 and No. 2, boast significant potential, with identified hydrogen “gas seeps” indicating promising geologic formations ripe for exploration.

Driven by the desire to diversify its energy portfolio and harness indigenous resources, the Philippines aims to unlock the potential of natural hydrogen as a clean and sustainable energy source. With a focus on leveraging geologic environments conducive to hydrogen formation, the country seeks to bolster its energy security while reducing dependence on imported fuels.

The exploration for natural hydrogen involves sophisticated geological studies and advanced exploration techniques to identify optimal sites for extraction. From serpentinization in ophiolites to radiolysis of water in crystalline basement rocks, various natural processes contribute to hydrogen production, offering a diverse array of exploration opportunities.

The successful exploration and development of natural hydrogen reserves hold immense economic potential for the Philippines, offering opportunities for investment, job creation, and technology transfer.

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