Following a round table with representatives of industry, energy companies and network operators, the CSU in the state parliament demanded clear legal requirements from the EU and the federal government for the expansion of hydrogen pipelines and regional distribution networks.

“Green hydrogen is the lifeline of the future for industry and SMEs, Bavaria must therefore be connected to hydrogen pipelines from the north and south by 2030,” explained CSU Secretary General Martin Huber. Reliable framework conditions are needed for the necessary investments. In addition, international agreements on hydrogen production and supply are needed. For example, hydrogen produced with wind power in Romania could be brought to Regensburg by ship via the Danube.

According to CSU member of parliament Eric Beißwenger, there is also potential for the production of green hydrogen in Bavaria. This is an important storage medium for the use of surplus wind and solar power. Until now, when there was an oversupply from renewable sources, the plants had to be shut down at high cost. Beißwenger said that Bavaria needs more electrolysis plants and distribution networks suitable for hydrogen in order to bring the energy to the regions. Kerstin Schreyer, a member of the Bavarian parliament, saw growing acceptance among the population for the construction of new pipelines and the corresponding upgrading of existing gas pipelines because of the looming energy shortage. If it were clear that a warm living room or the existence of a job depended on the pipelines, this could lead to greater receptiveness to pipeline construction.

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