In April 2022, representatives from the Port of Tallinn and the Port of Gdynia Authority SA signed a letter of intent on hydrogen management collaboration.

The objective of cooperation is the joint implementation of projects involving the production, storage, and distribution of “green” hydrogen and the use of zero-emission fuels in creating added value in logistics supply chains of goods and services, as well as the exchange of information on innovative development projects involving the use of zero-emission fuels for seaports and the broader maritime economy.

Ports are committed to establishing a carbon-free and low-carbon economy. The Port of Tallinn has a hydrogen strategy with plans to implement projects related to the production and distribution of “green” hydrogen for use in the maritime industry as a whole (“Hydrogen will help the Port of Tallinn create new value chains and economic opportunities while achieving carbon neutrality”).

The Port of Gdynia is the initiator of activities related to the establishment of a hydrogen hub in the Port of Gdynia, which will serve the purposes of decarbonization of port terminals (using hydrogen to power the equipment and devices), production and storage of “green” hydrogen in the immediate vicinity of the port, and the use of hydrogen and other zero-emission fuels (ammonia, methanol) to propel vessels calling at the Port of Gdynia. The hydrogen hub is part of the implemented Fuel and Energy Transformation program.

Both the Port of Tallinn and the Port of Gdynia intend to collaborate on the implementation of initiatives involving the production, distribution, and storage of “green” hydrogen in order to add value to logistic supply chains for products and services.

The adoption of ammonia and methanol as dedicated fuels for the maritime industry is included in the creation of a hydrogen and zero-carbon economy.

Zero-emissions at the Ports incorporates an ecological aspect, as it satisfies increasingly strict environmental criteria and offers the possibility of fuel source diversification. These actions are strategic for the entire fuel and energy sector.

Due to the fact that they service several modes of transportation connected to the processing of freight and passengers, seaports have the potential to host activities associated with the initial phase of the hydrogen economy’s growth.

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