A white paper on the possibilities for the deployment of hydrogen-electric trucks is published by France Hydrogène Mobilité. This checks all the criteria for replacing diesel and speeding up the transportation sector’s energy transition.

The subject of the generality of hydrogen heavy goods vehicles for the transportation of products has been worked on by France Hydrogène, which brings together over 400 stakeholders in the French hydrogen sector, and its sub-group dedicated to road mobility, France Hydrogène Mobilité. High range and quick recharge periods are two of the primary operating restrictions in the heavy transport sector, and this technology enables both. Hydrogen complements the battery-electric approach by providing improved range and cargo while releasing no hazardous pollutants.

Hydrogen, the fuel of the future, will allow trucks to circulate in city center EPZs and factories to satisfy their CO2 reduction objectives. Diesel remains the major energy source for road transport, as highlighted in a white paper published by France Hydrogène Mobilité, but it is fast changing. And, if the hydrogen industry keeps growing, it will play a role in the energy transition of freight transportation.

The hydrogen truck is comparable in price to a diesel truck

The development of new solutions has been substantially advanced thanks to ambitious national and European hydrogen agendas. The first hydrogen truck pre-series is scheduled for 2023-2024, with series manufacturing following three to four years later.

Simultaneously, the hydrogen distribution network is expanding, spanning significant regional axes and European corridors (according to AFIR regulations). “This sector’s start-up phase is characterized above all by close and necessary collaboration among all players in the value chain: manufacturers, energy companies, equipment suppliers, shippers, and carriers are joining forces to deploy the first projects,” says France Hydrogène Mobilité, adding that “by 2030, the curves of total costs of ownership of a hydrogen-electric truck will converge with those of diesel.”

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