Rinnai and Toyota, in collaboration with Woven Planet, have begun joint efforts on a potentially ubiquitous new hydrogen application for food preparation.

Their mutual objectives are to promote more eco-friendly cooking methods and help the world become carbon neutral. By providing hands-on encounters with hydrogen-powered heating techniques in and around Woven City, a living experiment being built by Toyota in Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, they hope to achieve this.

The goal of Rinnai is to help build a more sustainable society and a healthier way of life for everyone. Aiming to achieve carbon neutrality, Rinnai created the Rinnai “Innovation Manifesto 2050” as part of these initiatives. Rinnai stated in May 2022 that its 100% hydrogen combustion technology for home water heaters had been successfully developed. The company is also working on a wide range of additional hydrogen-powered machinery.

Toyota’s goals are to become a mobility corporation, contribute to a sustainable future, and create well-being for all people for future generations. Toyota is building Woven City, where people will live, work, and play as partners and residents develop and test innovative technologies, in order to realize this goal. The aim includes creating and exploiting sustainable energy, including new hydrogen technology as a viable path to carbon neutrality. When combined with new mobility advancements, this energy will eventually become the fabric of life.

Woven Planet, Toyota, and Rinnai all have a great ambition to increase the uses for hydrogen and contribute to the world being carbon neutral. Together, they have chosen cooking as a key method for validating hydrogen energy’s domestic capabilities and showcasing its worth, ease, and all-around beneficial effects on daily life. Together, the businesses will use a scientific approach and thoroughly investigate every avenue for promoting hydrogen-powered cooking as a beneficial new method for preparing meals. They will concentrate on the safest and most effective combustion techniques that also enhance the flavor and texture of the ingredients without producing CO2 while cooking.

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