A 12-cylinder gas version of the mtu Series 4000 L64 engine powered entirely by hydrogen has been tested by Rolls-Royce.

The Power Systems business unit’s testing revealed very positive results in terms of effectiveness, performance, emissions, and combustion. These experiments represent yet another crucial step towards the commercial release of hydrogen-based products to satisfy consumer demand for more environmentally friendly energy.

The enerPort II lighthouse project in the German inland port of Duisburg is already slated for the first installation of mtu engines operating on 100% hydrogen as part of the creation of a climate-neutral energy source for a new container terminal.

The excess energy can be directed through an electrolyser to transform water to hydrogen, which can then be utilized as fuel in a variety of applications, during periods of low demand and high renewable energy generation, such as when solar or wind energy production is high.

The mtu gas engine has been bench tested for several months and has undergone continual improvement in terms of efficiency, performance, emissions, and combustion utilizing only 100% hydrogen as fuel. Future operations of these mtu engines could be CO2-neutral thanks to green hydrogen. Rolls-Royce provides a conversion option for gas engines that are currently in place.

Fuel injection, turbocharging, piston design, and piston control were some of the engine components altered in the test engine due to the differing combustion behavior of hydrogen compared to natural gas. However, the development of the hydrogen-powered engine was expedited by the use of tried-and-true technology from the Power Systems portfolio, including mtu turbochargers, injection valves, and engine electronics and management.

Duisport’s first CO2-neutral power supply

One of the biggest inland ports in the world, Duisport, is constructing a hydrogen-based supply network with the help of a number of partners in preparation for the opening of a new terminal in 2024. In the future, the majority of the power needed by the port will be produced locally from hydrogen in a CO2-neutral manner. This will be accomplished via three mtu fuel cell systems, two combined heat and power plants with mtu Series 4000 hydrogen engines, and a total installed capacity of 2MW (with a total installed capacity 1.5MW).

Rolls-Royce is realigning the Power Systems product line in accordance with new technologies that can further cut greenhouse gas emissions as part of its sustainability initiative.

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