Sabah is setting its sights on becoming a leader in green hydrogen production. A key component of this ambition is leveraging Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (Otec) technology.

This innovative approach uses the temperature difference between warm seawater at the surface and cold seawater at depth to generate electricity. This method is not only sustainable but also provides a continuous and reliable source of power, unlike other renewable sources such as solar or wind which can be intermittent.

Otec technology holds several advantages for Sabah. First, it offers a consistent energy supply because the ocean’s thermal gradient is more stable compared to weather-dependent renewable sources. Second, this technology is environmentally friendly, producing minimal emissions and avoiding the harmful impacts associated with fossil fuels. Third, the ability to generate electricity from seawater positions Sabah to tap into its abundant ocean resources, making it less reliant on external energy sources.

Investing in Otec technology and green hydrogen production is expected to have significant economic and environmental benefits for Sabah. Economically, it can create job opportunities in new industries centered around renewable energy and technology. The environmental impact is equally positive, as this move contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

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