Beginning in 2025, Shell’s Pernis refinery will process oil using green hydrogen. This lowers the refinery’s need for natural gas.

5 to 10% of the hydrogen used in the plant will be renewable hydrogen, which is created without the emission of CO2. Currently, the refinery uses “grey hydrogen,” but this fuel is made from natural gas, which produces a lot of CO2. The green hydrogen will be produced at a factory for green hydrogen that is currently being built on Maasvlakte 2. An offshore wind farm supplies the factory with clean energy.

Pernis refines about 400,000 barrels of oil each day, which is almost as much as the Rotterdam facility of oil giant BP, which operates Europe’s largest refinery.

Additionally, Shell is working on programs to lower emissions elsewhere. For instance, the company wants to completely eliminate net CO2 emissions from its sizable petrochemical facility in Moerdijk within ten years. The company is concentrating on CO2 capture and storage as well as hydrogen. By 2050, Shell aims to be entirely climate neutral.

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