Snam has announced the selection of five innovative startups for the third edition of its HyAccelerator program, a global corporate accelerator aimed at advancing hydrogen and decarbonization technologies.

The chosen startups, representing diverse solutions across the hydrogen value chain, will receive mentorship, technical support, and financial assistance to develop their technologies and integrate them within Snam’s ecosystem.

From over 50 applications received globally, the following five startups were selected:

  • Terrabarrier (Sweden): This startup offers a technology that creates ultra-dense barriers in metal alloys, potentially revolutionizing hydrogen storage solutions.
  • Elestor (Netherlands): Elestor introduced a hydrogen-bromine flow battery capable of providing long-duration energy storage, a crucial component for balancing renewable energy supply and demand.
  • Sakowin (France): Sakowin’s innovative methane plasmalysis process produces hydrogen, offering a cleaner alternative to conventional hydrogen production methods.
  • Reverion (Germany): Reverion provides an integrated solution that converts hydrogen or biogas electrochemically into electricity and high-purity CO2, enhancing both energy efficiency and carbon capture capabilities.
  • C-Zero (United States): C-Zero showcased a novel methane pyrolysis technology that converts natural gas into hydrogen and carbon black, a useful industrial material.

The HyAccelerator program will unfold in two phases. In the initial phase, over the first two months, the startups will engage with the HyAccelerator team and partners, receiving technical insights, mentoring, and opportunities for mutual acquaintance. This phase aims to align the startups’ technologies with Snam’s strategic goals and operational needs.

In the second phase, two of the five startups will be selected to continue for an additional four months. During this phase, they will analyze specific use cases for their technologies within the Snam ecosystem, benefiting from in-depth technical and financial support.

Snam’s initiative reflects its commitment to fostering innovation in hydrogen and decarbonization technologies, which are critical for achieving global decarbonization targets. By supporting startups that cover the entire hydrogen value chain—from production and transportation to storage and end-use—Snam aims to enhance its capabilities and drive the adoption of sustainable energy solutions.

Snam’s HyAccelerator program exemplifies a proactive approach to advancing hydrogen and decarbonization technologies. By supporting startups with innovative solutions, Snam not only enhances its own technological capabilities but also contributes to the broader goal of achieving a sustainable energy future.

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