To facilitate the transfer of hydrogen, Thyssengas is presently preparing a natural gas transmission line between Kalle (Lower Saxony) and Ochtrup (North Rhine-Westphalia).

At a Nordhorn line stop, the Dortmund-based firm discussed the technical challenge of converting natural gas to hydrogen (H2) and the significance of the transport connection for the region’s future hydrogen economy.

The line in question connects the Lower Saxony gas storage facility at Kalle to the North Rhine-Westphalian town of Ochtrup. It is a part of the “Thyssengas-H2-Startnetz,” an 800 km long network that aims to ease the transition to hydrogen transportation. Thyssengas’s link in Nordhorn will facilitate the initial delivery of H2 across the Dutch-German border in 2026.

When completed, the Kalle-Ochtrup line will be a part of the GetH2 project. The goal of the project is to establish a foundation for the European hydrogen economy by 2030. The goal is to connect the green hydrogen supply chain from Lingen (Ems) to the Ruhr area and from the Dutch border to Salzgitter. Thyssengas’s partners on this venture are bp, Evonik, Nowega, OGE, RWE Generation, and Salzgitter AG.

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