With regard to the use of renewable energy, which is linked to sustainable transportation and the nation’s energy independence, Tuscany advances down the “hydrogen road.”

At the time of the publication of the Notice for the gathering of expressions of interest in the production, distribution, and final uses of hydrogen in Tuscany, specifically for “Project ideas, basic research projects, industrial or experimental development, training, environmental, production, or infrastructural investments,” the President of the Region emphasized this. The regulatory framework consists of national and European (green transition) projections, which may be coupled to the programming related to the European funds anticipated for 2021–2027 and the Pnrr itself (from which various implementation measures are expected in the coming months).

The so-called Ipcei projects on hydrogen will receive money totaling 5.4 billion in recent weeks, according to the European Commission, and further efforts, all using hydrogen, will follow. Direct financial grants are not made as a result of participation in the Notice. Public research organizations and technology transfer centers (industrial research laboratories, service centers, business incubators, and technology demonstrators) based in Tuscany can receive expressions of interest from companies that are already present in the region or are interested in relocating there, either individually or collectively.

The statement responds to the goal of promoting planning in the area and announces the Executive’s July provisions. The gathering of expressions of interest will enable the development of a database, the acquisition of fresh prospective ideas, and an awareness of the current condition of projects and investments. In other words, it will also serve as a programming tool, according to the president, and will be helpful in locating public money for the execution of investment, training, and research projects, as well as in the framework of the NRP’s resources.

Requests for expressions of interest may be sent to the designated email address at mi-idigeno@regione.toscana.it beginning on August 8 and continuing through September 16.

The Region gathers expressions of interest for the regional competence activity as well as promotes them by providing the necessary reports to the relevant ministries within their activity. The received expressions of interest will be assigned to the specific directorates competent for the subject, and each will prepare a summary of the findings in relation to the verification of the regional interest with respect to the implementation of sectoral r

The Notice is the result of the H2-T hydrogen table, which was started by the regional presidency in December 2020. It was then divided into thematic tables that were animated by the relevant regional councilors and included more than 250 participants from the fields of research, business, service centers, and public entities. A chance to move on with a regional public notice came about specifically as a result of the informal exchange of 85 potential project proposals.

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