Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a subsidiary of Nel ASA, has obtained a purchase order for an alkaline electrolyser to produce hydrogen for the manufacturing of oleochemicals from an unknown Indian refinery.

Nel Hydrogen US has been awarded a contract to supply an alkaline electrolysis hydrogen production unit to a market leader in palm oil processing and oleochemical manufacture. Oleochemicals are utilized in a wide variety of products and sectors, including metalworking lubricants, plastics, rubber, and paper manufacturing additives, automobile lubricants, greases, and fuel additives, and personal care products such as soaps, lotions, cosmetics, and deodorants.

“This project represents an opportunity to showcase an electrolyser solution that provides reliable and cost-effective hydrogen for oleochemicals production. We are thrilled to be working with an established and respected leader in this sector”, said Tom Skoczylas, Sales Manager for Nel Hydrogen US.

The purchase order is valued at approximately EUR 2 million, with delivery scheduled for mid-2023.

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