Viasea Shipping, a Norwegian shortsea liner, has unveiled ambitious plans to construct two hydrogen-powered containerships.

The Moss-headquartered company, founded in 2016, has secured substantial funding of NOK171.8 million ($15.4 million) from the Norwegian government enterprise Enova for this groundbreaking project.

The primary goal of Viasea Shipping’s initiative is to revolutionize maritime transport in Europe, ushering in an era of zero emissions. With a strong commitment to sustainability, Viasea aims to deliver a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional shipping, marking a pivotal moment in its seven-year journey.

Viasea Shipping has collaborated with The Norwegian Ship Design Company to develop the ship concept, leveraging scaled-up solutions under the designation “Powered by Nature.” The vessels will incorporate advanced green hydrogen technology, initially operating on a combination of hydrogen and diesel. Equipped with two large rotor sails, a battery pack, and other energy-efficient measures, these ships represent a significant leap towards cleaner and more efficient maritime transport.

The hydrogen-powered containerships are poised to operate on Viasea’s existing routes between Norway and northern Europe. With hydrogen bunkering initially planned in Norway, the ships have the potential to transition to entirely hydrogen-powered operations as the infrastructure develops along the route. Viasea Shipping anticipates a CO2 emissions reduction of over 75%, emphasizing the substantial environmental benefits compared to traditional diesel-powered vessels.

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