To meet demand from Germany’s expanding market, Yara plans to grow clean ammonia production across the globe.

The announcement was made by Yara while Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Habeck was in Norway.

“Dr. Habeck and other German officials have made it quite plain that they want to expand the hydrogen economy. I’m happy to report that Yara has found a significant opportunity to increase ammonia imports to Germany in response to rising market demand “Svein Tore Holsether, CEO of Yara International, comments

“Our Brunsbüttel export terminal will be converted to an import terminal by the summer of 2023. Additionally, the Rostock terminal has the capacity to enhance import volumes. If there is a need, Yara may deliver 3 million tons of clean ammonia overall. With more tank space, we may significantly increase our import capacity “, according to Brunsbüttel Plant Manager Yves Bauwens.

With the Haber-Bosch process, which was one of the most important German inventions of the 20th century, Yara has produced ammonia for approximately 100 years. Yara currently has the greatest global production- and transport infrastructure and is the leading ammonia distributor in the world. Yara, an established leader in the hydrogen industry, generates and uses about 7% of the hydrogen in Europe.

A portfolio of decarbonized ammonia production is now being launched by Yara Clean Ammonia, a subsidiary of Yara. Electrolyzers and renewable energy are used to make green ammonia. The creation of blue ammonia results in the capture and long-term storage of carbon emissions. They add up to pure ammonia when combined.

According to Magnus Krogh Ankarstrand, president of Yara Clean Ammonia, “when we build our decarbonized projects across the globe, we will import clean ammonia to Germany using Yara’s fleet of ammonia carriers, which is the largest in the world.”

The largest ammonia storage facility in Germany is run by Yara

In addition to having the necessary operational and safety expertise, new ammonia storage demands large investments. The current resources and skills of Yara will be essential for a quick ramp-up.

“In Brunsbüttel and Rostock, Yara manages two ammonia deep sea terminals. Yara presently brings 600 kt of ammonia into Rostock each year. This is the largest ammonia storage facility in Germany “, says Thomas Schmitz, the Rostock plant manager.

Magnus Ankarstrand from Yara Deutschland and Yara Clean Ammonia said, “Yara Deutschland and Yara Clean Ammonia are excited to be working closely with the German Government on a local and federal level as well as with German business partners to enable the German hydrogen economy through its ammonia infrastructure and almost 100 years of operational experience.”

The connection between Norway and Germany’s ammonia

The largest ammonia and fertilizer manufacturer in Germany as well as a key player in the industrial nitrogen market is Yara Deutschland GmbH. The largest ammonia distributor in the world is Yara Clean Ammonia, a division of Yara International, which is also implementing many clean ammonia projects in Germany.

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