Now it is time to gear up and fast-forward to the subject of natural hydrogen reconnaissance and exploration.
Author: Vitaly Vidavsky
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V A couple of more subjects that are directly related to the natural hydrogen resources exploration and development: There is a number of entities on the market, offering the petroleum resources evaluation services, with their further conversion into “reserves”. This step is customary if not compulsory for the explorers seeking the opportunity for approaching an IPO to raise sufficient capital so badly needed for conducting their operations. (Mind you, fundamental research is usually not included into this scope, being outsourced to the “mainstream” academia. The results are described in Part I,…
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Down below the surface, the situation is no much better. According to the “mainstream” beliefs, hydrogen is supposed to be sitting quiet for millions of years beneath the “sealing rocks” just like natural gas. However, methane happened to have 40% larger molecules (380pm), compared to hydrogen (289pm), although other sources stipulate that hydrogen molecule is just 120pm. This is not the biggest issue here – moreover that hydrogen is known to often migrate as atomic gas (the size of hydrogen atom is 53pm). More importantly, hydrogen is much more chemically aggressive, being…
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.