State Plan for Green Hydrogen Economy in Bahia was launched, which puts the state at the forefront of investments that will allow the replacement of fossil fuels for renewable energy in the country.

The event was held at the Governor’s Hall of Acts and was attended by the governor Rui Costa, secretaries and businessmen from the sector.

At the ceremony, a contract was signed for the Elaboration of Studies for the Development of the Green Hydrogen Economy (H2V) in the state of Bahia, through a partnership between the Secretariat of Economic Development of the State (SDE) and Senai Cimatec.

What is Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is a high energy density and zero carbon source, produced from renewable sources: wind, solar, hydropower, biomass or biogas. According to projections by the International Renewable Energy Agency – Irena, made in 2019, the source could represent 18% of all energy consumed globally and will become competitive, compared to that of fossil origin, before 2025.

One of the means of producing green hydrogen is electrolysis, a chemical process that breaks down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen through electricity, without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. After separation, the gas is ready to be distributed to industries. Another process that can be used is the gasification and reform of biomass with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, which allows the production of e-fuels, renewable synthetics.

The Secretary of Economic Development (SDE), Paulo Guimarães, believes in a new economic moment for the state from now on. “The new aspect of the Development of Bahia will pass through the defossilization of the Brazilian industry, that is, to substitute fuels of fossil origin for synthetic fuels, from clean energy with green hydrogen. For this, Senai Cimatec, which is the most important technology center, will evaluate this study and show us the way to set goals and reach even higher levels regarding energy production in the state.

The need to reduce carbon gas emissions makes it urgent to invest in renewable and sustainable sources capable of supplying the industry. “What we already know is that the state of Bahia is consolidated as one of the first in the production of wind and solar energy meeting all international protocols for the generation of a sustainable future,” said the State Secretary of Environment, Marcia Telles.

Long-term work

Created by Decree, in December 2021, a working group was formed for Bahia to have an investment policy connected to Green Hydrogen. Besides the secretaries of Economic Development and Environment, the departments of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti), of Finance (Sefaz), of Infrastructure (Seinfra), of the Civil House and Senai-Cimatec participate. A protocol of intentions was signed by the Government with Unigel Agro to implement an industrial unit for the production of H2V and Green Ammonia at the Camaçari Industrial Complex.

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