The Walloon Administration has announced a tender titled “Marché de services visant à appuyer l’Administration wallonne dans la gouvernance spécifique à la filière hydrogène et dans la mise en place d’une vallée de l’hydrogène en Wallonie” aimed at supporting hydrogen governance and establishing a hydrogen valley in the Wallonia region. The tender was published on 29 May 2024, with a submission deadline set for 21 June 2024.

This tender represents a significant step in advancing the hydrogen industry in Belgium, as the Walloon Administration seeks to enhance its hydrogen sector’s governance and infrastructure. The “hydrogen valley” concept is envisioned as a comprehensive ecosystem where hydrogen production, storage, and usage are integrated seamlessly.

Main Objectives and Requirements:

The primary objective of this tender is to find a competent partner to assist the Walloon Administration in three main areas:

1. Governance Structure: Establish a clear and effective governance model tailored to the hydrogen sector. This involves creating policies, standards, and regulatory frameworks to facilitate smooth and rapid development of hydrogen initiatives in Wallonia.

2. Hydrogen Valley Development: Implement a hydrogen valley in Wallonia, which will be a pioneer model for other regions. This includes setting up facilities for hydrogen production using renewable sources, storage solutions, and distribution networks to end-users.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including industry partners, research institutions, and potential investors. The success of the Hydrogen Valley relies on a strong collaboration among these entities to drive innovation and investment.

Technical requirements include understanding advanced hydrogen technologies and a proven track record in managing large-scale energy projects. Bidders must demonstrate their expertise in renewable hydrogen production methods, efficient storage systems, and developing hydrogen transport and distribution infrastructure.

The Walloon Administration emphasizes that proposals should also consider environmental sustainability and economic viability, aiming to position Wallonia as a leader in the hydrogen economy.

This tender is crucial as it aims to bolster the local hydrogen infrastructure and aligns with broader European Union goals of transitioning to clean energy and reducing carbon emissions. Establishing a hydrogen valley will mark a significant milestone for Wallonia, fostering technological advancements and sustainable growth in the region.

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