A joint agreement has been signed between CGN Brasil Energia, Sul Americana de Metais – SAM, and Lotus Brasil to produce green hydrogen in Bahia, Brazil.

The president of the Companhia Bahiana de Pesquisa Mineral (CBPM), Henrique Carballal, attended the signing ceremony, marking a milestone for the region’s energy and environmental goals.

The project’s importance lies in its potential to transform the economy of Bahia, with green hydrogen generation planned from treated effluent sourced from a 481 km pipeline. This extensive pipeline network will traverse 21 municipalities, spanning 9 in Minas Gerais and 12 in Bahia. Additionally, a dewatering station is in the works, strategically located in Ilhéus, a municipality in Bahia.

The initiative holds a special significance as it marks the resolution of a decade-long challenge. The project had been on hold due to the unresolved issue of purifying water accompanying iron ore.

According to President Carballal, the collaboration between these companies to produce green hydrogen will translate into $740 million in investments for Bahia alone. These substantial investments are not only expected to bolster the state’s economy but also have a positive impact on job creation and income generation.

President Carballal’s enthusiasm for the project is evident as he emphasizes the role of public officials in overcoming challenges and driving economic and social development. He states, “We, who take on public positions in the government, have to go beyond the ‘it’s not possible’ phase, to the ‘let’s do it’ phase, that is when we find a project that is important for the people of Bahia and it has problems, we must improve and reverse the situation.”

The signing of this agreement marks a turning point for Bahia, and the generation of green hydrogen from treated effluent holds the promise of a brighter and more sustainable future for the region. This initiative not only aligns with the growing global trend of green energy but also positions Bahia as a significant player in the emerging green hydrogen economy.

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