Governments and businesses are accelerating efforts to increase the deployment of hydrogen technologies, infrastructure, and applications at an unprecedented pace in response to the pressing need to decarbonize the world’s energy systems, including USD billions in national incentives and direct investments.

Hydrogen is an indirect greenhouse gas whose warming influence is both often ignored and overestimated, even though it holds enormous potential for helping to address some of the world’s most critical energy concerns. This is mostly due to the fact that although the atmospheric warming effects of hydrogen are transient, lasting just a few decades, the long-term consequences from a single pulse of emissions are only taken into account by typical methodologies for quantifying climatic impacts of gases. This long-term framing obscures a far larger warming potential in the short- to medium-term for gases like hydrogen, whose effects are transient.

This is concerning since hydrogen is a tiny molecule that is known to seep into the atmosphere readily, and it is uncertain how much emissions (such as leakage, venting, and purging) now come from hydrogen systems. As a result, it’s still unknown if hydrogen can effectively reduce carbon emissions, especially over the course of several decades. This study employs previously published data to analyze hydrogen’s effectiveness as a climate forcer, examine the net warming effects of replacing fossil fuel technologies with their clean hydrogen counterparts, and anticipate temperature reactions to future levels of hydrogen consumption.

The prevalent belief that green hydrogen energy systems are climate neutral is far from the truth. For instance, green hydrogen applications with higher-end emission rates (10%) may only reduce climate impacts from fossil fuel technologies in half during the first two decades. However, climatic consequences might be lessened by around 80% during a 100-year span. On the other hand, lower-end emissions (1% or less) could have a negligible effect on the climate overall. In the case of blue hydrogen, if related methane emissions are substantial, hydrogen applications may be worse for the climate than fossil fuel technologies for many decades; nevertheless, blue hydrogen has positive climatic effects over a 100-year time frame.

It is obvious that hydrogen emissions matter for the climate and need increased attention from scientists, businesses, and governments. However, additional research is required to estimate the warming impact of hydrogen emissions for specific end-use applications and value-chain paths. In order to efficiently deploy hydrogen in the developing decarbonized global economy, this information is crucial.

Industry and governments all over the globe are excited about the prospect of clean hydrogen as a replacement for traditional fossil fuels because it has the ability to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions. To hasten its acceptance, hundreds of millions of dollars in new investments and financial aid are being suggested. However, hydrogen is a relatively tiny molecule that may readily leak into the atmosphere through infrastructure and has enormous climatic implications that are both commonly ignored and underestimated.

In this paper, we assess the climatic effects of clean hydrogen deployment overall timelines given a variety of realistic leak rates. Our findings show that hydrogen emissions, particularly in the decades just after deployment, can significantly reduce the climatic advantages of decarbonization schemes including clean hydrogen. In order to further the science of hydrogen’s indirect impacts on the climate and to increase estimates of hydrogen emissions along the value chain, this topic merits additional study. The usefulness of hydrogen as a climate change mitigation technique will depend on how much leakage is produced. Furthermore, we have a unique opportunity to tackle this problem before the infrastructure and systems are widely implemented because it may be possible to prevent leakage in some applications and because it is simpler to address and minimize hydrogen leakage when designing a system rather than retrofitting one.

According to the findings, in a future hydrogen economy, the following five crucial steps might assist reduce hydrogen’s warming impacts and, thus, optimizing climate benefits:

  • by including interactive emissions, chemistry, and radiation parameterizations in further coupled chemistry-climate models as well as reduced-complexity climate models, increasing studies on hydrogen’s indirect radiative impacts and temperature responses to hydrogen emissions;
  • use climatic measurements and/or models that accurately represent the potential role that hydrogen could play in achieving net-zero targets within the specified time frames, perhaps by using a dual GWP-20/GWP-100 approach instead of only depending on GWP-100 (Ocko et al., 2017);
  • create technology that may be used in the field to precisely monitor hydrogen emissions at low detection thresholds (i.e., ppb level), hence improving quantification of hydrogen leakage rates;
  • In making decisions regarding where and how to efficiently deploy hydrogens, such as co-locating production and end-use applications, consider the possibility of hydrogen leakage and its effects; and
  • Before constructing infrastructure, determine the best methods for preventing leaks.

It is essential that we thoroughly evaluate each possible decarbonization pathway using reliable and pertinent measurements and data if we are to successfully address the climate crisis at hand. The effects of hydrogen emissions on global warming are more severe than commonly thought in the short- and medium-term. To maximize the climatic advantages of switching to hydrogen fuel systems instead of fossil fuel ones, these effects need to be clearly and statistically taken into consideration. In order to make sure that the worldwide rush toward hydrogen fulfills its promise to improve the environment’s overall timescales, it might be helpful to take a proactive and scientific approach to understand the consequences of and address hydrogen leakage.

Read the full study article here.

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