The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has entered into a partnership with three prominent Japanese companies, Mitsubishi Company (Thailand) Ltd., Chiyoda Corporation, and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (Thailand) Co., Ltd., to develop clean hydrogen and ammonia production technologies. The project is funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan.

The project aims to revolutionize knowledge and technology in the field of clean energy production, while also bolstering Thailand’s energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The project will cover a wide range of topics, including feasibility studies on hydrogen and ammonia production, engineering, the production of eco-friendly fuels from renewable energy sources, and assessments of social, environmental, and economic impacts. The project will also explore aspects of storage, transportation, and the multitude of business opportunities within EGAT’s areas of interest, all while utilizing existing infrastructure.

The partnership between EGAT and these Japanese companies is a significant development for the clean energy industry in Thailand. It represents a commitment to innovation and a desire to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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