The Green Hydrogen Alliance (GHA), an independent business group comprising leading companies in the green hydrogen sector, officially launched on July 4, 2023.

The alliance aims to bolster the UK’s global competitiveness in the development and deployment of green hydrogen, a technology crucial for achieving decarbonization goals. By bringing together companies across the entire hydrogen supply chain, the GHA seeks to highlight the vast potential of green hydrogen across various industries, accelerate its commercial viability, and collaborate with policymakers to unlock its benefits.

With Airbus, Air Products, Associated British Ports, London City Airport, Tata Steel, and World Kinect among its members, the GHA represents a comprehensive range of stakeholders. The advisory board, consisting of Cranfield University and the Thames Estuary Growth Board, further enhances the alliance’s expertise. The primary objective is to showcase the applications of green hydrogen in key sectors such as aviation, road haulage, industrial usage, and power decarbonization. The GHA also emphasizes the need for swift policy action to prevent the UK from lagging behind countries like Germany and the Netherlands, which have already outlined strategies for advancing their green hydrogen economies.

The GHA commends the UK government’s target of 5 GW of electrolytic hydrogen production by 2030. However, it urges policymakers to go beyond this goal and expedite the development of favorable policies and regulations to fully unlock the potential of green hydrogen. By doing so, the UK can ensure its energy security, meet carbon reduction targets, and foster the creation of numerous renewable energy jobs nationwide.

In addition to assessing the commercial viability of green hydrogen in various sectors, the GHA will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the economic impact of green hydrogen deployment on specific regions within the UK. By identifying barriers and opportunities, the alliance aims to position the country as a global leader in this transformative technology.

It is crucial to note that the GHA remains apolitical and is committed to working with all political parties, government bodies, civil service officials, and industry groups. By collaborating with stakeholders across the board, the alliance seeks to foster a comprehensive understanding of the potential offered by the burgeoning green hydrogen industry.

A spokesperson for the GHA emphasized that green hydrogen can not only provide a secure supply of clean energy but also support the UK’s decarbonization efforts. The alliance looks forward to collaborating with policymakers to ensure that the country fulfills its immense potential in this rapidly evolving field.

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