A new metropolis is creating a green hydrogen ecosystem. The European Metropolis of Lille, in partnership with Engie (66%), has created Hyléos to produce and distribute renewable hydrogen.

Like Dijon Métropole, MEL wants to use the electricity produced from the waste from the Halluin Energy Recovery Center to produce renewable hydrogen. The aim of this project is to power 42 buses and 5 refuse collection vehicles. The buses will be put into circulation progressively, up to 2 years after the commissioning of the station.

This renewable hydrogen production and distribution station will be located in the municipalities of Sequedin and Lomme, in the immediate vicinity of the bus depot and the household waste collection annex where the hydrogen vehicles will be used.

The projected investment for this infrastructure is estimated at 12.5 million euros including tax. Within the framework of the call for projects led by ADEME1, an investment grant has been requested. The Banque des Territoires is also a committed partner in the project.

The implementation of such a hydrogen ecosystem is in line with the ambition of the metropolitan Climate Air Energy Plan (PCAET) adopted in February 2021 to accelerate the energy transition to a carbon neutral metropolis by 2050 and more specifically the action “Support the production and consumption of renewable or recovered energy” and the action “Purchase of zero-emission buses” for the metropolitan fleet.

These hydrogen-powered buses will complement the 450 buses with renewable natural gas engines. The objective of the metropolis is to diversify its fleet with coherence

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