The extensive hyBit hydrogen research project at the University of Bremen has gotten over 30 million euros in funding.

The project’s ultimate objective is to establish a new link between the heating, power, and transportation industries by offering a roadmap for the development of a green, hydrogen-based, sustainable economy in Bremen’s industrial port.

The Arcelor Mittal steelworks serve as the project’s main entry point into the Bremen industrial port. Through cutting-edge scientific research and technological advancement, the steel industry is leading the transition from dirty fossil fuels like coal and natural gas to cleaner substitutes like hydrogen.

The final result of the project, a digital replica of Bremen’s industrial port, serves as an illustration of the technical and social factors that should be taken into account when developing substantial hydrogen hubs. The digital twin is used for local monitoring at Bremen’s industrial port to maintain a constant, high rate of transformation despite changes in external circumstances.

The transition to “green hydrogen” from coal and natural gas demands significant adjustments to numerous long-standing routines and practices.

The project’s main transfer focus will be the University of Bremen’s BEST – Bremen Research Center for Energy Systems, which is scheduled to launch in the spring of 2022. To gather the transfer outcomes, teachers from many departments work cross-disciplinary together here. BEST is home to 19 separate working groups representing the disciplines of Physics/Electrical Engineering, Mathematics/Computer Science, Production Engineering (Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering), Law, Economics, Social Sciences, and Cultural Studies.

The state of Bremen’s Wissenschaftsplan 2025 places new research and transfer emphasis on the Energy Science domain, which includes BEST. The institutions are receiving financing from the state to get started.

19 businesses and academic institutions make up the consortium for the hyBit project. Arcelor Mittal Bremen, swb, and BLG, as well as the Wuppertal Institute, the Bremer Institut Produktion und Logistik GmbH at the University of Bremen, Fraunhofer IFAM (Bremen), Fraunhofer ICT (Karlsruhe), and the University of Applied Sciences Bremen are some of the project’s partners.

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