H2 Energy News recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Sanjin Gutić, an associate professor at the University of Sarajevo, whose work in physical chemistry and material science is paving the way for advancements in hydrogen production.

Dr. Gutić’s research is particularly focused on electrolyzing seawater, addressing the inherent challenges of this process, and exploring the future of hydrogen production technologies.


Dr. Gutić’s research into electrolyzing seawater for hydrogen production holds significant promise. One of the main challenges of this method is the chlorine content in seawater, which can complicate the electrolysis process. To combat this, Dr. Gutić and his team are utilizing membrane-based technology to effectively separate chlorine and produce pure hydrogen. This approach not only mitigates the issue of chlorine but also makes the process more sustainable and efficient.

A key advantage of the seawater electrolysis solution is its scalability. The technology leverages mature alkaline electrolysis methods, which are well-understood and widely used in the industry. This familiarity with the technology aids in its potential for large-scale application, making it a viable option for future hydrogen production needs.

Dr. Gutić emphasizes the importance of international collaboration in enhancing hydrogen research outcomes. By fostering regional cooperation and knowledge exchange, researchers can share insights and innovations, accelerating the development of effective hydrogen production technologies. This collaborative approach is essential for addressing the global energy challenges and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

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