Browsing: Pipelines

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Germany, a pioneer in renewable energy, faces a pressing dilemma in its ambitious hydrogen plans. A recent study by influential think-tank Agora Energiewende highlights the nation’s challenge in meeting its hydrogen demand while managing costs and sustainability.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Stellantis, one of the automotive giants, has announced that 24 engine families in European vehicles sold since 2014, totaling a staggering 28 million vehicles, are now compatible with advanced drop-in eFuel.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The race to finance a Danish hydrogen pipeline is in full swing, pitting the state against private players, with the key question being whether Denmark can establish a hydrogen connection to Germany by 2028. While the ambitious plan aims to build an infrastructure for green hydrogen, the financial framework to support it is yet to be finalized.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Rhine-Main region is embarking on an ambitious journey to establish a vast network of hydrogen pipelines spanning 300 kilometers by 2028. This visionary project aims to facilitate the seamless transition to hydrogen as a primary energy source, positioning the region at the forefront of sustainable technology adoption.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The shift from fossil fuels to hydrogen as the driving force behind our energy ecosystem necessitates innovative solutions that can surmount both economic and technical challenges. In this pursuit, the National Composites Centre (NCC) has emerged as a beacon of progress, harnessing the power of composite pipes to revolutionize the transportation of hydrogen, igniting a new era in energy distribution.